Objective: Children will act out the legend of Groundhog Day as they look for their shadows.
Materials: flashlight, long table or something else to crawl under
- Remind children of the legend: On Groundhog Day, a groundhog pops out of its burrow. If it sees its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter. If it does not see its shadow, spring is near!
- Have kids line up behind a long table, or something they can wiggle through or under. (This is the “burrow.”) Dim the classroom lights and stand at the other end of the burrow, fl ashlight at the ready.
- One at a time, have each child crawl through the burrow. As children come out the other end, shine the flashlight on some, but not on others. Your little groundhogs can predict the weather depending on whether they saw their shadow or not!
- TIP: To make a clear shadow, shine the flashlight at an angle directly over the child. It may take a little angling on your part to get it just right! (SKILL: Gross motor skills, shadows)